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Nice drone! Fun experience
The weight of the drone increases with the camera other than that its very light. It’s very easy to control. Bought this for my son to join me when I bring up my drone. Definitely a beginner drone and good to use to learn.
Good product and lot of fun
The design is very cool and it came with very nice packaging. The picture and video is very clear and good quality and it is easy to control. It seems to be fairly durable and the battery does give you good flying time.
$$$ ???
For a remote controller only? I find it very hard to believe this. My Bugs 5w has a beautiful remote control system that is very NICE. Only maybe $50.00 And this is USED. NOT GONNA HAPPEN
This drone is very compact, which makes it very portable. Good quality of pictures and video. You can use with the remote or with your phone. It is easy to use and is made to a high standard. The flight is very stable and responsive. Absolutely love it, great drone.
Awesome Drone, Works Great!
Fun drone, has everything you will need to have a good time. The controller allows you to connect your phone as a screen. Amazed at how lightweight and compact this drone is. I was able to fly it around with moderate wind without losing control. They provide extra propeller blades just in case you lose or break them. Video quality is great as well. Nice drone
Fun and Easy to Fly
Awesome beginner drone with lots of options. It is easy to connect to and setup. I went to an area where I had plenty of room to fly, it was a lot of fun, very easy to control and very responsive to the controller. Thus far, my expectations are well exceeded. The battery life is approximately 12 or 15 minutes of constant flight. Great drone
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